Product Guides

9 Signs You Need a New Mattress

September 25, 2023   By Clarisa Mcdonald

We’ve all been there—tossing and turning, waking up groggy, and dreading bedtime. If you’ve been losing that loving feeling for your current mattress, it may be time to consider upgrading to a new mattress. But how do you know when it’s really time to take the plunge? Here are nine telltale signs that your old mattress is holding you back from a good night’s sleep.

1. Your Mattress is Saggy & Lumpy

Your Mattress is Saggy & Lumpy

If your mattress is looking more like a mountain range than a comfy sleep surface, that’s a surefire sign you need a replacement. Older mattresses can develop body impressions and indentations that compromise comfort and support. Sagging mattress spots are not only uncomfortable, but they can also lead to back pain. If cushioning is noticeably lacking, don’t hesitate; invest in a quality mattress that gives you the pressure relief you deserve.

2. You Wake Up Feeling Like You Ran a Marathon

If you’re constantly waking up with aches and pains, particularly in your lower back, your old mattress could be to blame. The right mattress should support your sleeping position and provide adequate spinal alignment, giving you a quality sleep and leaving you waking up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day.

3. Signs of Wear and Tear

It may seem obvious, but look out for signs of wear like rips, tears, or visible springs. Mattresses have a lifespan, typically between 7 to 10 years old. If yours is reaching the end of its warranty period, you might start to notice these signs. If you do, it’s definitely a sign you need a new mattress!

4. You Hear Squeaks and Creaks

If you’re hearing squeaks every time you change sleeping positions, this might be a sign it’s time for a new mattress. And yes, the bed frame or box spring might be a factor, but it’s often your mattress saying it’s time for a new bed. This is more likely to be the case with innerspring and hybrid mattress models, which often begin to squeak more as they get older.

5. Your Allergies Are Playing Up

No one wants to share their bed with dust mites or other allergens. Yet over time, the buildup of these tiny critters can exacerbate allergies and impact your health. So if you’re noticing your allergies have gone a bit haywire in recent times, investing in a new mattress and a mattress protector might be the solution.

6. Mildew and Mould Have Made a Home

If you notice the presence of mildew or mould, that’s a red flag. This happens due to moisture buildup, especially in foam mattress types. Don’t risk your health—opt for a different mattress like natural latex that’s resistant to these issues.

7. You’re Dealing with Bed Bugs

Look, dealing with bed bugs isn’t particularly common, but let’s say you’ve just come back from travelling and have unfortunately managed to bring bed bugs home with you. Sorry to say, even if you have a new mattress, a bed bug infestation calls for a new mattress once again.

8. You’ve Had Some Significant Life Changes

Weight gain, or a new partner sharing your bed, can make your current mattress feel different and less comfortable. If the mattress topper isn’t doing the trick, look for the perfect mattress that suits both of your sleeping styles and body types.

9. You Just Can’t Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Sometimes, the problem isn’t as obvious. You might be struggling with sleep, but can’t put your finger on why. In such cases, even a bed that looks OK can be a bad mattress in disguise. If you find yourself yearning for better sleep, a new mattress might be the solution you’ve been searching for.

Sleep Better with an Ecosa Mattress

If you’re nodding along to one or more of these points, chances are you’re overdue for a new mattress. But fear not, Ecosa has you covered with our range of premium mattresses – from memory foam mattresses to hybrid mattresses – finding the right mattress for you has never been easier.


Signs You Need a New Mattress: FAQs

How do you know when it’s time to get a new mattress?

There are several telltale signs that it might be time for a new mattress. These can range from obvious physical issues like sagging, lumps, and visible signs of wear and tear, to more subtle clues like consistent back pain, sleepless nights, and worsening allergies due to allergens and dust mites.

How do I know if my mattress is the problem?

Feeling tired and cranky all the time? Before you blame it on work stress or your diet, consider your mattress. A bad mattress can be sneaky; it won’t always show obvious signs of ageing. Here are some ways to check if your mattress is the culprit:

  • Test your sleep: Spend a couple of nights sleeping on a different mattress and see if you notice any improvement in your quality sleep.
  • Check for comfort: If your mattress is no longer cushioning you and providing pressure relief, it’s a sign.
  • Inspect the surface: Are there indentations, body impressions, or lumps? These are often clear signs that your current mattress is past its prime.
  • Listen closely: If your mattress makes squeaks and creaks, it’s probably time to replace it.

How often should a mattress be replaced?

The lifespan of a mattress varies depending on its material and how well it’s been maintained. On average, most mattresses should be replaced every 7 to 10 years. However, if you’ve got a mattress protector and are diligent about cleaning, you might be able to stretch that a bit longer. Some types of mattresses, like natural latex or high-quality innerspring mattresses, can last up to 15 years if well-maintained.

Is a 20-year-old mattress too old?

In short, yes, a 20-year-old mattress is definitely too old and should be replaced. At that age, it’s highly likely that it’s filled with a buildup of dust mites, allergens, and potentially mildew or mould. The structural integrity is also likely compromised, leading to sagging and less effective support. Plus, mattress technology has come a long way in 20 years; you’ll be amazed at how much more comfortable and supportive the new generation of mattresses can be.

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